F1 - F12 See document CH000306 for information about these keys.
Tab Tab key
Caps lock Caps lock key
Shift Shift key
Ctrl Ctrl key
Alt Alt key
Back Space Back space key
Delete Delete or Del key
Enter Enter key
Prt Scrn Print screen key
Scroll lock Scroll lock key
Pause Pause key
Break Break key
Insert Insert key
Home Home key
Page up Page up or pgup key
Page down Page down or pgdn key
Num Lock Num Lock key
~ Tilde
` Acute, Back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push
! Exclamation mark, Exclamation point, or Bang
@ At or At symbol
# Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash
£ Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol
€ Euro
$ Dollar sign
¢ Cent sign
¥ Japanese Yen
$ Generic currency
§ Micro
% Percent
° Degree
^ Caret or Circumflex
& Ampersand or And
* Asterisk and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open parenthesis
) Close parenthesis
- Hyphen, Minus or Dash
_ Underscore
+ Plus
= Equals
{ Open Brace
} Close Brace
[ Open bracket
] Close bracket
| Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar
\ Backslash or Reverse Solidus
/ Forward slash, Solidus, Virgule, or Whack
§ Section
: Colon
; Semicolon
" Quote, Quotation mark, or Inverted commas
' Apostrophe or Single Quote
< Less Than or Angle brackets
> Greater Than or Angle brackets
, Comma
. Period, dot or Full Stop
? Question Mark
Kalimat1. Today computers very easy in its use for the laity
2. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or the processor is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, and is the primary element carrying out the computer's functions
3. A laptop is a personal computer designed for mobile use and small and light enough to sit on a person's lap while in use
4. a microchip is a very small thing, but it has a function that is extraordinary.
5.yesterday I bought a desktop computer and a printer in sun plaza,
6. A soft copy (sometimes spelled "softcopy") is an electronic copy of some type of data, such as a file viewed on a computer's display or transmitted as an e-mail attachment
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